Zeidler's Flowers

Zeidler's Flowers

Posted by Zeidler’s Flowers on November 11, 2009 Flowers

Zeidler’s is Floral Sponsor at Evansville Women’s Conference

The 5th Annual Evansville Women’s Conference hosted by the Evansville Courier was held Thursday, October 22nd at the Centre.  What a great day and wonderful opportunity to WOW so many ladies with flowers.  As the Floral Sponsor for the event, Zeidler’s decorated all areas within the conference…meeting rooms, stage, Athena Luncheon, various seating areas, and entrances.  And Zeidler’s booth was awesome!  See for yourself in the pictures below.  We introduced our new Transit van, newly decorated and ready to start delivering flowers.  It was surrounded by beautiful fresh flowers, single stems, bunches, petite bouquets and novel arrangements.  Did anyone see those ladybugs?  What we loved about the day was seeing how many people are crazy about flowers and the ways they were thinking of giving flowers to someone close to them.  Thanks to the babysitter…The Girls at the office would Love This…You’re a Good Friend…I’m Worth It…She could use a Lift…Maybe my Husband will Get the Hint.  There are so many great reasons to give flowers and make someone smile!  Thanks to everyone who visited with us during the show and Congratulations to Sheila Seiler, who was the winner of a $100 Zeidler’s Gift Card.