Why celebrate Houseplant Appreciation Day on January 10?
The research is overwhelming – green plants do far more than make our homes and offices look pretty. In fact, the mighty houseplant does so much to help our health and wellness, some medical researchers have even said that plants are among the “most affordable and effective” remedies available.

Being outside, surrounded by trees and plants, often brings a sense of serenity and calm. The same phenomenon occurs when you surround yourself with greenery inside; house plants actually promote an overall sense of well being and are proven to lower stress levels. Plants have the unique ability to make an interior space more interesting and beautiful, while also inducing quiet and peace.
Scientific research has shown that people in office environments filled with plants are more productive, have longer attention spans, make fewer errors and have more focus; they even take fewer sick days! Patients in hospitals surrounded by green plants enjoy lower anxiety levels, lower blood pressure and shorter stays overall. With all the amazing benefits of green plants, no wonder we want to appreciate them.

The scientists at NASA have conducted the research, and recommend one living green plant for every 100 square feet of space. Plants are so beneficial because they remove pollutants and toxins from the air; as well as exhale the clean oxygen that we humans need. While all plants have this capability, some are more efficient than others. So if you are looking to detoxify your home from common pollutants in our modern, air conditioned spaces, consider peace lilies, areca palms, ferns – and even the flowering chrysanthemum, perhaps the most potent detoxifier there is.
Zeidler’s Flowers has a wide selection of green plants to choose from, whether you are looking to enhance your home, or send to a colleague. Come visit us, or shop online – from Evansville to across the country, we have the green houseplants that will make your life cleaner, healthier and more beautiful.